Quality Control Initiatives
First ERP Vendor in Japan to Be Designated a JSTQB Platinum Partner

OBIC has agreed to become a partner of the Japan Software Testing Qualifications Board, achieving the highest ranking of Platinum Partner.
- About the JSTQB Partner Program
- JSTQB is an organization that awards certification to individuals demonstrating basic software testing knowledge and testing abilities that are appropriate for actual business operations. It holds exams for foundation and advanced level qualifications and designates partners based on the number of employees at the partner organization who hold these qualifications.
We were designated as a Gold Partner in FY2020 and have now cleared the standard required to become a Platinum Partner. More than half of the companies that have been designated as Platinum Partners are third-party testing businesses, so OBIC is the first ERP vendor in Japan to achieve this designation.
Quality Responsibility
We recognize that providing high-quality products and services is important in order to realize quick installations and stable operation.
- Members leading quality enhancement and development streamlining efforts are selected from a pool that includes qualification holders
- These members lead educational sessions, and over the next few years, we aim to increase the overall number of systems engineers holding foundation-level qualifications to around 10%
- Other initiatives under consideration include an internal certification system in which points are awarded for acquiring qualifications
We will apply software testing abilities throughout entire projects and work to continuously achieve quick startups and stable operation through high levels of quality.