Financial Headlines
Financial Results(consolidated)
2020/3 | 2021/3 | 2022/3 | 2023/3 | 2024/3 | 2025/3 (Forecast) |
Net Sales | 80,488 | 83,862 | 89,476 | 100,167 | 111,590 | 122,800 |
Operating Income | 43,238 | 48,077 | 54,135 | 62,490 | 70,910 | 78,000 |
Ordinary Income | 46,012 | 52,600 | 60,174 | 70,223 | 81,151 | 88,000 |
Net Income | 35,096 | 38,001 | 43,500 | 50,116 | 58,007 | 63,000 |
Net Assets | 238,392 | 266,025 | 293,567 | 327,864 | 398,692 | - |
Total Assets | 264,596 | 298,257 | 323,927 | 366,708 | 462,165 | - |
Capital Stock | 19,178 | 19,178 | 19,178 | 19,178 | 19,178 | 19,178 |
per Share
Net Assets | 2,680.06 | 2,990.72 | 3,310.49 | 3,697.16 | 4,531.90 | - |
Net Income | 394.56 | 427.22 | 489.96 | 565.14 | 654.60 | 716.12 |
Note:"Accounting Standard for Revenue Recognition" (ASBJ Statement No. 29), etc. will be applied from the beginning of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022.

Net Sales / Operating Income by Segment (2024/3)

Financial Results(Non-consolidated)
2020/3 | 2021/3 | 2022/3 | 2023/3 | 2024/3 | |
Net Sales | 70,811 | 74,720 | 82,616 | 93,344 | 103,401 |
Operating Income | 41,599 | 46,574 | 52,387 | 60,725 | 68,385 |
Ordinary Income | 42,275 | 49,146 | 56,097 | 66,512 | 75,776 |
Net Income | 31,854 | 35,005 | 40,138 | 46,918 | 53,790 |
Net Assets | 192,229 | 215,575 | 239,240 | 271,196 | 337,534 |
Total Assets | 215,058 | 244,189 | 266,077 | 305,940 | 396,031 |
per Share
Net Assets | 2,161.08 | 2,423.55 | 2,697.85 | 3,058.15 | 3,836.73 |
Net Income | 358.11 | 393.54 | 452.10 | 529.08 | 607.01 |
Breakdown of Sales(Non-Consolidated) (2024/3)
- *System Integration Sales Composition Ratio