Management Strategy

OBIC seeks to build a high-profit business structure, based on a user-oriented approach and a commitment to contribute to the prosperity of society as a whole.

Basic Management Objectives

Management focusing on both quality and quantity

A flatter and more transparent management structure

Efficient management that

  • - Focuses on core competencies as the key to corporate growth
  • - Implements human resource development, product R&D, improvement of information sources
    and access, and expansion of business infrastructure
  • - Pursues an innovative management approach

Achieving the satisfaction of

- Our shareholders - Our customers - Our employees

Management Priorities

  We believe that it is important for management to always be aware of earnings in order to realize stable corporate growth over the medium and long terms.

  We regard to our traditional system of in-house product development, direct selling as vitally important, and we are currently working to update our business foundations through the creation of an integrated, start-to-finish system that will enable us to offer a seamless service. This service includes solutions to user needs developed by carefully incorporating feedback from our customers.
  For this purpose, we are directing our efforts toward such focal issues as maximizing contact with customers, continuously reassessing our business structures and reforming them when needed, investing more resources in marketing, and raising productivity.
  OBIC’s principal goal over the medium to long term is to provide a one-stop solution service.
By leveraging the capabilities of the whole OBIC Group, we aim to offer our corporate clients a comprehensive information system service. The service will range from consulting on initial system selection through installation and setup, day-to-day operation, and the provision of full information regarding such factors as changes in relevant laws and regulations.

  During the current term, our efforts are focused on raising customer satisfaction levels with an emphasis on continuous innovation. The following issues are being tackled on a priority basis.


Priority issues

1.  Forging a more closely integrated system for production and marketing

2.  Improving productivity through the OBIC7 series, which can easily be customized

3.  Focusing on staff training and motivation

  At OBIC, each group company will be responsible for fully employing its strength to meet its goals in each business domain. As a group, we are firmly committed to a policy of focusing management resources on our areas of core competence, and this will remain our cardinal principle as we work to expand our total scale of operations.